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【Campfire】How to use the Campfire app for events?

Hi, guys!

I brought you some tips about the Campfire app.


Have you made full use of the “MEETUP” function on the Campfire app?

“I see ‘JOIN MEETUP’ on the map or in the group I joined, but I don’t know how to use it and what it means.”

“I’d like to join a local offline event, but I don’t have the courage enough to join a meetup”


Today, I’ll give you a lecture about the tutorial for joining meetup and check-in!!


Have you ever seen an icon like that on the map in the Campfire app?

This is the “MEETUP” icon that appears as a place where an event will be held on Pokémon GO.

The “1h” written below the icon means the event will start in one hour.

Now, let’s get started!!


There are two ways.


A. Join on the map

B. Join from your group menu


The A is easier, but I’ll explain both.

<The way A>

After searching for the meetup that you want to join on the map, tap “JOIN MEETUP” or “RSVP” and select “I’m Going”*.

*Please send a chat or DM to the group owner in advance.

And don’t tap “JOIN MEETUP” if you are not going to be there, and contact us on the event day, or be late as this will cause worry and inconvenience to the organizer.

→Tap “JOIN MEET UP”, go to step ⑤ “On the Event Day”


<The way B>

① Tap the human icon at the bottom of the screen.

② Choose a group

③ Tap “Meetups”

④ Tap “RSVP” and select “I’m Going” *

*Please send a chat or DM to the group owner in advance.

And don’t tap “JOIN MEETUP” if you are not going to be there, and contact us on the event day, or be late as this will cause worry and inconvenience to the organizer.

<On the Event Day>

⑤ Go to the site and tap “CHECK IN”

When the event time approaches, please come to the event site and let you see “MEETUP” on the Campfire app.

The blue “JOIN MEETUP” icon changes to green “CHECK IN”!!

※You can tap “CHECK IN” by being on site 15 mins before the event starts.

⑥ “CHECKED IN” → Completed!

You tap the green “CHECK IN”, and it will change to “CHECKED IN.” You’re DONE!!

The event organizer can confirm attendance. It’s a relief for them.



Let’s catch Pokémon together!!

We hope you make wonderful friends♪


<The Short Tutorial>


① Tap the human icon at the bottom of the screen.

② Choose a group

③ Tap “Meetups”

④ Tap “RSVP*” and select “I’m Going”

⑤ Go to the site and check in!!

⑥ “CHECKED IN” → Completed!


・Tap “JOIN MEETUP” carefully. Keeping in mind this is the OFFLINE event.

・Do not forget to check in when you arrive at the site on the day.

・”CHECK IN” is possible on site 15 mins before the event.



Q. Is there anything good about “CHECK IN”?

The best thing is we can confirm your attendance.

It is easy for the organizers to contact those who are coming on the day.


Also, the groups organized by community ambassadors like us, are handing out swags and gift codes to those who participate in the event.

Many places require check-in as a criterion.

To be honest, I’d like to hand out them to all event attendees, but in Japan, there are only a few allocations...

If the number of “CHECK IN” increases from now on and Niantic. Inc. is informed of the activity status and demand, we may be able to distribute more goods!!

Please support us!

And please see the blog below for an explanation of “to become a community ambassador”.

If your friends or other users don't know about “JOIN MEETUP” and “CHECK IN”, please let them know.

Whether Pokémon GO will be revitalized depends on everyone.

Thank you!


We, Pokémon GO Club Tokyo, hold meeting-up events along with Pokémon GO events, such as Community Day.


If you want to join us, please fill out the questionnaire below.

(Joining as a visitor is also welcome!)

↑Click here and fill out the form to JOIN.


Our staff will contact you to arrange the schedule.

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